How to Manage (Peri) Menopause Without Hormones



An empowering look at perspectives around menopause, what you may experience, what you can do about anything difficult, and how to manage the transition without needing hormones. Not all women will need hormone therapy to transition through menopause or to live a long healthy life, as some menopause commentators would have you believe. We’ll be looking at the many lifestyle, diet and mindset changes that will help you thrive, not just survive during your (peri) menopause journey and beyond. So you can make an informed choice whether hormones are right for you. We’ll be busting some menopause myths, providing you with easy ways to get relief and getting you excited about your post-menopausal life.

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Rachel Lankester

Rachel Lankester is the author of Magnificent Midlife: Transform Your Middle Years, Menopause and Beyond, recommended in the New York Times as one of 7 top books about menopause, and host of theMagnificent Midlife podcast. After a shocking early menopause diagnosis at 41, she scratched her own itch and created what she wasn't able to find to help herself, to support women through the sometimes messy middle of life. She’s the founder of Meno Clarity, an information hub about menopause, was on the BSI panel for the new workplace standard on menopause, and is on the advisory board for the new National Menopause Support and Education Program.