Domestic Dusters and Craftivism - In conversation with Vanessa Marr, Katy Styles and Sarah Rees



Join Vanessa Marr, founder of Domestic Dusters, and Katy Styles, founder of We Care, for an inspiring talk about their recent collaboration where they used craftivism to translate the lived experience of unpaid carers from across Wales into a display of hand-embroidered dusters. These cloths, selected for the invisibility they share with caring roles, were strung across the Senedd and presented to MPs, calling for improved rights. Unpaid care is a role predominantly fulfilled by women, a cause that both Vanessa and Katy support passionately. Joined in conversation with Sarah Rees from Oxfam Cymru, they will reveal the inspiration behind their partnership and the stories of those who stitched them. Their session will also include an invitation to embroider your own duster. 

Location: Motivate Arts Tent

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To find out more information about Vanessa, Katy and Sarah, please see the following pages: 

Vanessa Marr: Founder of Domestic Dusters and Advocate for Women's Empowerment 

 Vanessa Marr is a distinguished educator and social activist, known for her groundbreaking work in promoting women's empowerment and sustainable community initiatives. As a faculty member at Brighton University, Vanessa brings her passion for social justice and environmental sustainability into her academic research and teaching. 

 In addition to her academic pursuits, Vanessa is the visionary founder of Domestic Dusters, a unique stitch craftivism project that has had a profound impact on women around the world. Through Domestic Dusters, Vanessa empowers women to express themselves creatively. Participants in the project stitch dusters adorned with words of empowerment, humour, and care, transforming everyday cleaning tools into symbols of strength and solidarity. 

 Vanessa's dedication to fostering positive change extends beyond Domestic Dusters. She has collaborated with Katy Styles, the founder of the We Care campaign, to support unpaid carers in the UK. Together, Vanessa and Katie harness the power of craftivism to raise awareness about the challenges faced by unpaid carers and advocate for greater support and recognition for their vital contributions to society. 

 Katy Styles

Katy Styles is a passionate advocate for social change and the founder of the We Care campaign, a grassroots movement dedicated to supporting unpaid carers in the UK. Fueled by her deep sense of compassion and commitment to making a difference, Katy launched the We Care campaign to raise awareness about the challenges faced by unpaid carers and to advocate for greater support and recognition for their invaluable contributions. 

 Through the We Care craftivism campaign, Katy harnesses the power of craftivism to spark conversations, challenge stereotypes, and drive meaningful change. Participants in the campaign create handmade items infused with messages of empathy and solidarity, shining a light on the experiences of unpaid carers and fostering a sense of community and support. 

Sarah Rees

Sarah Rees is a Mum, Campaigner, Writer, the Wales Rep for Pregnant Then Screwed, Professional feminist and the Head of Oxfam Cymru!