Creative Writing: Menopause Journal


13.30am - 14.25am

Whatever your age, or menopause experience, it can feel like a swirl of uncertainty, overwhelming information and lose your shizzle rages! But it doesn’t have to feel this way-let’s make our own rules! Victoria shares why she penned and illustrated a self-help menopause book and how the power of journaling factored in to uniqueness. So, get your empowerment pants on, crush the stigma and learn how game-changing journaling is for menopause and mental health. All you need is a pen, your thoughts and a good sense of humour to find your fierce!

Location: Board Room

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Victoria Hardy

Victoria Hardy, author of My Menopause, My Journal, My Rules, keynote speaker and women's health content creator, founded @ginge_unhingedon Instagram to bring a more inclusive lens to the women’s health conversation. Mixing relatability, empathy, and a whole host of empowerment, Victoria is spit your tea out funny in tackling taboo topics. Whether sharing her own premature surgical menopause, endometriosis, and mental health experience,@gingeunhinged on TikTok, or bringing her creative vibe to workshops, retreats, or corporates, her moto is, ‘Disrupt the norm, humanise the mess and find your fierce!’ This is how we change up the conversation.