Grounding and Relaxation through Somatic Movement (with a twist)



Let's address anxiety, tension and imbalance using somatic movement to recover a naturalstate of calmness, peace, relaxation and grounding. As an added bonus I will show you how to retrieve the sensations and thoughts of a happy memory by the click of a button throughNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) anchoring.

Location: Motor House Down

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Malika Wigley

Through Malika’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, people learn to create more of what they want in their lives through the mind and body. Malika’s own approach to wellbeing and wellness is founded on her life experience, tailored tools and techniques, allowing every individual to be ‘seen’ and interacted with, as an individual. At the age of 10 Malika was experimenting on herself with herbal remedies and meditation practices (although she didn’t know she was meditating). She has always worked on the basis that the connection between mind and body is one of oneness, one influencing the other. This has helped her understand that all is possible, which in turn helped her overcome major and sometimes scary cultural and environmental difficulties. It has also made her the first girl to go to university in her town (within her culture) and one of the first female software engineers in the early 1990s.Malika’s portfolio includes master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy (™) practice, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), Somatic Movement Kinetic Shift, Breath Work and Family Constellation. Combining these skills really promotes Malika’s unique 360 approach to healing.