LIFT (Fierce not Fragile) - strength training for peri/menopausal women



This workshop is aimed at any women wanting more guidance on strength training, or support of the importance of strength training and menopause. The workshop will have a short 10 minute discussion on the importance of strength training as we age and go through menopause, followed by a practical 15 minutes of learning to Deadlift. My wonderful LIFT ladies will be on hand to support myself and the workshop attendees, and together we can learn to deadlift, and also learn what as women we CAN do!

Location: Carriage House

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Cara Lovett

My name is Cara Lovett, I am a CrossFit Level 2 Coach in Barry, working out of Unit 15 Functional Fitness. I run a strength training class called LIFT for peri menopausal, menopausal and/or women aged 45+ twice a week. The aim of the class is to give women the tools to get stronger, increase muscle mass, improve core stability, and general health and fitness through strength training. I also want to create a space for women to be together, talk together and support each other through the changes of life they may be facing.