On Maternity Leave & Returning To Work? Know your rights; remember your worth.



Too often women are disadvantaged or discriminated against in the workplace for daring to have a child. 

In this interactive workshop I’ll be talking about your rights, your options and how to have a positive return to work.  So you can take back control of your career and make informed choices best for you and your family.

Location: Stable 2

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Lucy Clementson-Mills

Hi; I’m Lucy! And with nearly 20 years in HR; I have seen a lot! I’ve seen women celebrated, promoted and lead organisations. And I’ve seen first hand women discriminated against for being a certain (child bearing) age or for being pregnant, on maternity leave and when returning to work. 

This. Has. To. Stop!

But I’ve found a lot of times women simply don’t know what their rights are and have lost confidence in their abilities. So in this workshop I’ll be talking about your rights, your options and how to navigate a positive return to work.